September 2024 Gazette

Our September issue is out now and full of great news and features from across the island.

How far would you walk for water? That’s the question from Ronnie Briggs, who tells us about the life saving work of Water Drops– working in rural and remote communities in Southern Kenya to ensure these communities have access to safe and clean drinking water.

The Summer months will be remembered for horrific stabbings and riotous behaviour across Ireland, says John Deane O’Keeffe, but could the solution be far closer than we think?

Diocesan Focus comes from the busy Diocese of Connor, and in our September Devotional, Rev’d Meghan Farr looks at the beauty and comfort of being part of the Family of God.

We also have all the usual features like Mother’s Union, Liturgical Notes, Clergy News and our Food and Gardening Pages.

All this and much more in your September Gazette.


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Previous Issues of the Gazette

Emma Blain
Gazette Editor

Welcome to The Gazette

First published in March 1856 as a monthly journal under the title, The Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette, the Gazette became weekly in 1880. Its name was changed to The Church of Ireland Gazettein 1900. A full archive of back copies is held at the Representative Church Body Library, Braemor Park, Dublin.

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