February 2025 Gazette

Our February 2025 issue is out now, and full of great news and features from across the island.

This month we hear from a craft group in Cregagh (Down and Dromore) about the work they’re doing to build community and showcase the skills of their members. We also report on the ‘colossal’ smoke damage to All Saints’ Parish Church in Antrim after an accidental fire.

Mothers’ Union All Ireland President June Butler bids farewell to the role after a six-year term of office – this month, we look back on her achievements as she celebrates the ‘great joy and wonderful opportunities’ she encountered in her time as President.

Maithrie White-Dundas discusses what she calls ‘a theological error we cannot afford to ignore’ in a piece entitled ‘Is Racism Heresy?’

The rising role of social media in the way we navigate the world is the focus of a piece by Paul Arbuthnot, in which he asks – what should people of faith do when faced with the dark side of social media?

Stephen Farrell discusses the sermon that sparked discussion around the globe – that of Rt Rev’d Mariann Budde at the prayer service following President Trump’s inauguration – and asks ‘Was the Bishop right to do what she did?’

Seán Murphy discusses a trip he took to Auschwitz and ‘the importance of understanding historical contexts to foster a more nuanced approach to contemporary social and cultural issues.’

And Christopher West celebrates the single life in his discussion of Valentine’s Day.

This month’s Diocesan Focus comes from Dublin and Glendalough, and we have all our usual features, such as Food, Gardening, Clergy News, Devotional, and Crossword.

All this and more in your February 2025 Gazette!